photo (3)Aditya Tawatia 1New Delhi / Vancouver : “It was great honour to receive VIP invitation and to represent OFBJP Canada. I want to thank BJP leadership and OFBJP Global convener Mr. Vijay Jolly to invite me, says, Aditya Tawatia, President OfBJP British Columbia.

“It was great experience to be part of historic moment and to present at Oath ceremony of first complete non- Congress government.”

Speaking with Asian Journal, Aditya said, “In India, at every level of society there is spark in every body’s eyes. Kind of optimism which people have for future in Mr. Modi’s leadership is just beyond words and hard to express. It’s a titanic shift in Indian politics after dark rule of Congress and BJP Government is committed to social, economic and political reforms and i firmly believe that all these reforms would bring all sought after positive results for India.”