IMG_0208Asian Journal: What is the mood in India these days?
Vijay Jolly: You see after BJP
coming to power and Mr. Narendra Modi becoming the Prime Minister, there is a renewed sense belonging to the motherland, India. For the first time a non-Congress government has come to power on its own in majority and the Prime Minister has said that he wants to govern not through the rule of majority but with the concept of consensus. There is renewed vigor among the people to discharge their responsibilities and take India to heights of success and glory.

Asian Journal: What do you think about the first speech of Narendra Modi from the Red Fort, Delhi?
Vijay Jolly: It is dream come true for the millions of BJP workers, leaders, supporters and sympathisers. That dream has become true with Mr. Narendra Modi, it was a historic moment. People of India were used to seeing their PM from closed tinted screen but Mr. Modi did not use any bullet proof screen. He said I am not a PM, I am a Pradhan Sevak (service man). This has touched the hearts of Indians across the globe.

Asian Journal: Narendra Modi is known as pro- business, so how soon can Canadians especially Indo Canadians see the trade could go up?
Vijay Jolly: It is very pertinent to state that two way trade between Canada and India is only $5 Billion US
dollars. Canada is basket of agriculture products, it has natural products and resources in abundance that it can offer to India and India can offer its expertise in different fields. During last ten years due to the lack of confidence between the people and government of two countries the trade could not be promoted and with the Mr. Modi led government coming into power there is an urgent need to give impetus to Indo-Canadian relations by
promoting trade and business. My rough idea is that with little bit of engagement from both sides the two way trade can rise up to 100 billion US dollars soon. But the ice must be broken from the both sides.

Asian Journal: When is PM Modi going to visit Canada, PM Stephen Harper was one of the first global leaders to congratulate Mr. Modi on win?
Vijay Jolly: Yes, well Canada is one of his top priority countries. But before any such visit takes place
various issues need to be talk about, various issues have to be identified and resolved so that during the visit of the Prime Minister major
agreements could be signed which will pave the way for future business relations and growth between the two countries. I think sooner than later Mr. Modi is slated to visit Canada.

Asian Journal: Are you considering setting up a panel or a point of
contact which can serve as connection between Indo- Canadians and Indian government?

Vijay Jolly: As of now there not anything like this on the cards. But certainly the government of India and also the BJP political party led by dynamic Amit Shah is in mode of engaging, understanding and finding plausible solutions within the frame work of Indian constitution. If people have certain issues to be resolved then Indian High Commission and Indian Consulate is the best avenue and if they think it appropriate then through them the issues could be directed to PMO in India or the Foreign Ministry or the Party through OfBJP for which I am the global convener and Aditya Tawatia is the president here in Vancouver.

Asian Journal: What facilities an Indo Canadian investor or business person can expect in India?
Vijay Jolly: India is lucrative
destination for foreign investors. The interest to invest in India declined gradually over last decade with the various corruption cases coming to the fore. But in present context with full majority of Mr. Modi led BJP government, with the no nonsense approach of the Modi government and with the various lucrative
proposals envisaged in the recent budget prepared by finance minister Mr. Arun Jaitely. Foreign investors are now feeling more confident of investing in India. I can only say that who so ever invests in India will be a winner. People who invest will get a fair return on their investment and citizens of India will get employment, so it is in interest in all.

Asian Journal: BJP is known in global media as ‘Communal’ and ‘ Hindu Nationalist Party’ are you going to work on this and explain it to the world?
Vijay Jolly: India has Hindus as majority, but India is a secular state, the majority government of BJP shows that all the minorities voted for BJP cutting across party lines, social barriers and religious ethnic groups. People of India voted for BJP. Mr. Modi has said, “ Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas”. We will take everyone in ambit and make policies to make the citizens happy and prosperous. In Gujrat, Mr. Modi came to power for 3rd time with the support of Muslim citizens of Gujrat. Muslims contribute big chunk of BJP’s votes. BJP is secular party and believes in taking all the citizens of India together.